module documentation

Summarizing information of the object over the entire scenario

Class Summary__Accel__Max Maximum acceleration of the object over all frames in this file in (m/s^2).
Class Summary__Accel__Max__UStdDev Uncertainty for Summary__Accel__Max as standard deviation around the parent indicated value.
Class Summary__Accel__Min Minimum acceleration (strongest deceleration if negative) of the object over all frames in this file in (m/s^2).
Class Summary__Accel__Min__UStdDev Uncertainty for Summary__Accel__Min as standard deviation around the parent indicated value.
Class Summary__Coordinates__ScenarioEnd Coordinate of the last frame in this file (in world coordinates)
Class Summary__Coordinates__ScenarioEnd__UStdDev Uncertainty for Summary__Coordinates__ScenarioEnd as standard deviation around the parent indicated value.
Class Summary__Coordinates__ScenarioStart Coordinate of the first frame in this file (in world coordinates)
Class Summary__Coordinates__ScenarioStart__UStdDev Uncertainty for Summary__Coordinates__ScenarioStart as standard deviation around the parent indicated value.
Class Summary__Speed__Max Maximum speed of the object over all frames in this file in (m/s).
Class Summary__Speed__Max__UStdDev Uncertainty for Summary__Speed__Max as standard deviation around the parent indicated value.
Class Summary__Speed__Min Minimum speed of the object over all frames in this file in (m/s).
Class Summary__Speed__Min__UStdDev Uncertainty for Summary__Speed__Min as standard deviation around the parent indicated value.
Class Summary__SteeringAngle__Max Maximum steering angle (i.e. tire angle) of the object over all frames in this file.
Class Summary__SteeringAngle__Max__UStdDev Uncertainty for Summary__SteeringAngle__Max as standard deviation around the parent indicated value.
Class Summary__SteeringAngle__Min Minimum steering angle (i.e. tire angle) of the object over all frames in this file.
Class Summary__SteeringAngle__Min__UStdDev Uncertainty for Summary__SteeringAngle__Min as standard deviation around the parent indicated value.
Class Summary__SteeringWheelAngle__Max Maximum steering wheel angle of the object over all frames in this file.
Class Summary__SteeringWheelAngle__Max__UStdDev Uncertainty for Summary__SteeringWheelAngle__Max as standard deviation around the parent indicated value.
Class Summary__SteeringWheelAngle__Min Minimum steering wheel angle of the object over all frames in this file.
Class Summary__SteeringWheelAngle__Min__UStdDev Uncertainty for Summary__SteeringWheelAngle__Min as standard deviation around the parent indicated value.