class documentation

class Classification__Uncertainties(VectorData):

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Uncertainty values for the classification of the object.

Class Variable name Is always 'classification/uncertainties'
Class Variable val Tuple with classification probabilities (must accumulate to 1), in the following order: - animal - vehicle/bicycle - vehicle/bus - vehicle/car - human/pedestrian - vehicle/mobility_device - vehicle/motorcycle - other - pushable_pullable - vehicle/railvehicle - vehicle/trailer - vehicle/truck - vehicle/van...
name: Literal['classification/uncertainties'] =

Is always 'classification/uncertainties'

val: tuple[float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float] =

Tuple with classification probabilities (must accumulate to 1), in the following order: - animal - vehicle/bicycle - vehicle/bus - vehicle/car - human/pedestrian - vehicle/mobility_device - vehicle/motorcycle - other - pushable_pullable - vehicle/railvehicle - vehicle/trailer - vehicle/truck - vehicle/van