class documentation

class BoundingBox(BaseThreeDBoundingBoxEuler):

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A cuboid in 3D Euclidean space with a pose defined via Euler angles, according to ISO 8855.

Class Variable name Is always 'bounding_box'.
Class Variable val x in (m): The x coordinate of the 3D position of the center of the cuboid.
name: Literal['bounding_box'] =

Is always 'bounding_box'.

val: tuple[float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float] =

A tuple of nine floats.
  • x in (m): The x coordinate of the 3D position of the center of the cuboid.
  • y in (m): The y coordinate of the 3D position of the center of the cuboid.
  • z in (m): The z coordinate of the 3D position of the center of the cuboid.
  • rx in (rad): Euler roll angle (positive: right roll).
  • ry in (rad): Euler pitch angles (positive: pitch down).
  • rz in (rad): Euler yaw angles (positive: yaw left).
  • sx in (m): The x (length) dimension of the cuboid.
  • sy in (m): The y (width) dimension of the cuboid.
  • sz in (m): The z (height) dimension of the cuboid.