class documentation

class Metadata(BaseMetadata):

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This JSON object contains metadata about the annotation file itself.

Class Variable acquisition_date The date on which the data were acquired in the format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.FFFZ. Here, 'T' is used as time designator. '.' is used as separator for the following millisecond portion.
Class Variable acquisition_method Specifies the acquisition method used for obtaining the data in this file.
Class Variable acquisition_partner Institution or company involved in recording the data in this file. This is a free-text field that may contain copyright information.
Class Variable aveas_schema_version The version of the aveas_openlabel library used to generate this file.
Class Variable opendrive The name of the OpenDRIVE file which contains specifications that fields in this OpenLABEL refer to. The OpenDRIVE file has to use the projection string indicated under "Metadata.projection_string".
Class Variable projection_string The geographic reference system used for the coordinates in this OpenLABEL-file and in corresponding OpenDRIVE-files. Projection strings follow official parameter sets for proj-strings from EPSG.
Class Variable right_of_use Specifies the usage rights of the data.
Class Variable threshold_gttc Traffic participants with a geometrical time-to-collision (gTTC) value lower than this threshold will appear in the Impact__gTTC__ObjectIds and Impact__gTTC__Values attributes of this file.
Class Variable threshold_pret Traffic participants with a predicted encroachment time (PrET) value lower than this threshold will appear in the Impact__PrET__ObjectIds and Impact__PrET__Values attributes of this file.
Class Variable threshold_thw Traffic participants with a time headway (THW) value lower than this threshold will appear in the Impact__THW__ObjectIds and Impact__THW__Values attributes of this file.
acquisition_date: str =

The date on which the data were acquired in the format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.FFFZ. Here, 'T' is used as time designator. '.' is used as separator for the following millisecond portion.

  • yyyy: Year (four digits), ex. 2021
  • MM: Month with leading zero, ex. 09
  • dd: Day in month with leading zero
  • mm: Minutes with leading zero
  • ss: seconds with leading zero
  • FFF: Milliseconds with leading zeros
  • Z: 'Z' if the time zone is UTC, '±[hh]:[mm]', '±[hh][mm]', or '±[hh]' otherwise, ex. '+0100'
acquisition_method: AcquisitionMethod =

Specifies the acquisition method used for obtaining the data in this file.

acquisition_partner: str =

Institution or company involved in recording the data in this file. This is a free-text field that may contain copyright information.

aveas_schema_version: Literal['0.4.17'] =

The version of the aveas_openlabel library used to generate this file.

opendrive: str =

The name of the OpenDRIVE file which contains specifications that fields in this OpenLABEL refer to. The OpenDRIVE file has to use the projection string indicated under "Metadata.projection_string".

projection_string: str =

The geographic reference system used for the coordinates in this OpenLABEL-file and in corresponding OpenDRIVE-files. Projection strings follow official parameter sets for proj-strings from EPSG.

right_of_use: RightOfUse =

Specifies the usage rights of the data.

threshold_gttc: float =

Traffic participants with a geometrical time-to-collision (gTTC) value lower than this threshold will appear in the Impact__gTTC__ObjectIds and Impact__gTTC__Values attributes of this file.

threshold_pret: float =

Traffic participants with a predicted encroachment time (PrET) value lower than this threshold will appear in the Impact__PrET__ObjectIds and Impact__PrET__Values attributes of this file.

threshold_thw: float =

Traffic participants with a time headway (THW) value lower than this threshold will appear in the Impact__THW__ObjectIds and Impact__THW__Values attributes of this file.