class documentation

class Metadata(BaseMetadata):

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This JSON object contains metadata about the annotation file itself.

Class Variable acquisition_date The date on which the data were acquired in the format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.FFFZ. Here, 'T' is used as time designator. '.' is used as separator for the following millisecond portion.
Class Variable acquisition_method Specifies the acquisition method used for obtaining the data in this file.
Class Variable acquisition_partner Institution or company involved in recording the data in this file. This is a free-text field that may contain copyright information.
Class Variable aveas_schema_version The version of the aveas_openlabel library used to generate this file.
Class Variable projection_string The geographic reference system used for the coordinates in this OpenLABEL-file and in corresponding OpenDRIVE-files. Projection strings follow official parameter sets for proj-strings from EPSG.
Class Variable right_of_use Specifies the usage rights of the data.
Class Variable threshold_gttc Traffic participants with a geometrical time-to-collision (gTTC) value lower than this threshold will appear in the Impact__gTTC__ObjectIds and Impact__gTTC__Values attributes of this file.
Class Variable threshold_pret Traffic participants with a predicted encroachment time (PrET) value lower than this threshold will appear in the Impact__PrET__ObjectIds and Impact__PrET__Values attributes of this file.
acquisition_date: str =

The date on which the data were acquired in the format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.FFFZ. Here, 'T' is used as time designator. '.' is used as separator for the following millisecond portion.

  • yyyy: Year (four digits), ex. 2021
  • MM: Month with leading zero, ex. 09
  • dd: Day in month with leading zero
  • mm: Minutes with leading zero
  • ss: seconds with leading zero
  • FFF: Milliseconds with leading zeros
  • Z: 'Z' if the time zone is UTC, '±[hh]:[mm]', '±[hh][mm]', or '±[hh]' otherwise, ex. '+0100'
acquisition_method: AcquisitionMethod =

Specifies the acquisition method used for obtaining the data in this file.

acquisition_partner: str =

Institution or company involved in recording the data in this file. This is a free-text field that may contain copyright information.

aveas_schema_version: Literal['0.4.13'] =

The version of the aveas_openlabel library used to generate this file.

projection_string: str =

The geographic reference system used for the coordinates in this OpenLABEL-file and in corresponding OpenDRIVE-files. Projection strings follow official parameter sets for proj-strings from EPSG.

right_of_use: RightOfUse =

Specifies the usage rights of the data.

threshold_gttc: float =

Traffic participants with a geometrical time-to-collision (gTTC) value lower than this threshold will appear in the Impact__gTTC__ObjectIds and Impact__gTTC__Values attributes of this file.

threshold_pret: float =

Traffic participants with a predicted encroachment time (PrET) value lower than this threshold will appear in the Impact__PrET__ObjectIds and Impact__PrET__Values attributes of this file.